I know broken,
where insanity nearly takes over,
life of torment & no one to ever hold you.
I know broken ,
when you cry yourself to sleep each night,
when eggshells is your life.
I know broken,
when you feel like the biggest mistake,
never ends, there each time you wake…
I know broken,
bruises that you count, like its a game,
trying so hard to block out the pain.
I know broken,
a life of false promises and fakes,
giving all just to feel love for god sake.
I know broken,
each time I look into my children’s eyes,
the love and protection i feel, should of also happened for me!!,
so small and there was nothing…just lies & misery,
I have climbed so many mountains,
and fallen down them all,
I’ve cried rivers and all the seas,
used, abused & left in bits,
love…no! Never, nor genuine honesty.
My pieces now I gather one by one,
to put me back together again,
I know broken…he was my only friend,
broken I don’t want to be friends no more
Everything comes to an end…
I want peace now not more war.