I am just a flower in the Valley
A Wild untamed bloom
A delicate blossom
Fighting to survive
Have you ever looked to uproot, to plan a backup place to go
Before you’re uprooted and your citizenship is revoked?
Your British values not British enough to stop you being disowned,
To prevent you being spat at and stoned in the road,
Your attackers praised, and cheered…and let go.
Things I Learned From Running
How to run up a hill and love the effort
And when to run as darkness falls.
When to breathe
And banter with a would-be neophyte, dying after twenty yards,
Or laugh when gangs of lads sing insulting songs.
Where to cruise in the green.
Extract from My Art Journal
I observe the change in clouds
The only ones I saw
Never yearning for more
Until I saw
A rainbow
The Price of Gujarat
They said it started with a train,
But yet so much to ascertain.
Tyres burning and the smell of fuel,
What followed was only cruel.
The Coronavirus Age
How will it be remembered, this Coronavirus,
where will it fit in the world’s history.
Where did it come from, where did it start
the answer might forever remain a mystery.
Lifted Fog
Fog lifted from the eyepieces in my head,
I see clearly now, for this moment, I see
it all for now.
The Role of Ramadhan
Violent harangues of hunger pangs,
Solemnly supressed by invoking hands.
Tired, listless, lethargic limbs,
Silently cleanse the soul from sins.
Women Are Power
To all the women out there as we step closer to Women’s day, I have a poem for you, to the person you are, remember you at beautiful and empowered.. more power to you beautiful…
We want equal rights
Shouted women
Who wanted to be equal to men
Sadly not realising
We claiming to be degraded
Coz women are special
And more powerful than men
A Poem For International Women’s Day
In 60’s America, they were urged to burn their bras;
Now in Saudi Arabia, they’re still banned from driving cars.
Mary Wollstonecroft wrote “A Vindication” in 1792,
But now in 2020, mysogyny’s still a view.