
Batley150 Poetry Collection

The Batley Poets are putting together a book as part of the Batley 150 celebrations that commemorate Batley becoming a borough 150 years ago this December. The book is to be a collection of poetry around the theme of ‘Batley’ and is open to anyone wanting to write a little something about this town of ours.

Unfortunately the official deadline for submitting poetry for the book has now passed, however poetry can still be submitted on the theme of Batley150, and may be included in other Batley150 projects (e.g. poster, display) or published on the website.

You can use the form below to submit poetry or email your poem to, making sure to mention it’s for Batley150

[contact-form to=”” subject=”Batley 150 Book Submission”][contact-field label=”Name/Pseudonym” type=”name” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Poem Title” type=”text”][contact-field label=”Poem” type=”textarea”][/contact-form]


The Rules

  1. It is free to enter. There is no age limit.
  2. All entries must be the original work of the entrant. We will always credit you with your work, no matter where we publish it.
  3. Multiple entries are permitted, but may not be published.
  4. Entries must be no more than 40 written lines (excluding titles, dedications and spaces between stanzas).
  5. There is no guarantee submitted entries will be published in any form.
  6. By submitting poetry for the Batley 150 book, you agree to give the Batley Poets the right to have your poem published and sold in a book, with the proceeds of any sale invested into the Batley Poets.
  7. Any poetry submitted may be used to promote the book and be made available in any format on the website or social media.
  8. The book may be reprinted in the future with additional or fewer poems.